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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Friday 19 October 2012

Why This Punishment Di???

Teaching is an Art and a Science.It is a tough job but once you are initiated into it all the day-to-day challenges give you the satisfaction nothing else can.Seeing the changes you can bring about in the little ones however big or small they may be, brings an untold joy.

It is rightly said that parents hold the key to the little one's hearts and souls but the teachers too have a spare one. Teachers can make or break their future.We ,as teachers have to be careful as we are not dealing with goods but with humans who have emotions of their own.

As a teacher I have seen children being ridiculed, insulted and beaten for whatever reasons. This leaves a scar on their little minds and hearts which , though cannot be seen, may have far-reaching consequences. Teachers are said to be trained in their fields. But is it enough if the training only deals with the methods and methodology and the knowledge about the curriculum?

What we need is the understanding of the child psychology, the needs of the child, how to react in a way that builds a child's self esteem. Sadly, the teacher training institutes are failing miserably in this regard. To make matters worse, there are many who have taken teaching as a profession not for the love of teaching but because of the convenient timings and the holidays teaching jobs offer.

It is high time the teaching fraternity realizes that we have a role to play in enhancing not only the IQ levels of the kids but also their EQ levels. We are dealing with young impressionable minds here.

Punishment can be substituted by positive reinforcement which is taught in the training but not  in practice. When will this scenario change?

Time for the teachers to introspect. Why this punishment , Di???

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