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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Friday 15 November 2013


Kids are curious....always curious....always very curious.

They want to know each and everything, in full detail.
They will keep on asking you questions until their thirst for the answer is quenched and that ,mind you, never ever happens.They ask a question,you answer it and lo and behold.....another question awaits!!!

The queries of the little ones comprise of a vast range of topics.They want to know everything there is know about ships,parachutes, houses, UFO's ,super humans,games,how babies are made, animals and birds,poison,assassins,great leaders, algae, the solar system......and the list goes on.

These queries many a times create hilarious situations where adults like the teachers,parents and grandparents are in a position where they don't know what to  reply.Even the well-meaning and so-called intelligent adult is thrown off guard by an innocent-sounding question.

I am sure each one of us has been bombarded with such questions that have left us confused and at a loss for words.We adults need to understand their point of view and realize that this curiosity is the one thing that will make them better thinkers and greater achievers.Allow them to explore and be curious,do not let this curiosity diminish as with it will diminish their thirst for knowledge.With the urge to know more they will learn to read more and satiate their curiosity and no one needs to be told that reading is the window to the world.Readers are leaders.

If you are at a stage where you do not know what to respond,don't just push them away angrily.Tell them to get back to you and then find out the appropriate response with some help,maybe from the internet or another experienced adult.You will be surprised to see how much you have learnt in the process. Really,kids can teach us adults a lot if only we are willing to learn.

These innocent queries from the tellmewhy.com brigade will keep us on our toes and also make them grow as inquirers and knowledge seekers. Isn't that what we want them to be rather than passive learners or listeners?

So next time a kid asks that question that makes you want to tear your hair in despair,take a deep breath,be calm and patiently answer his/her question as convincingly as you can.For the little ones you are the search engine and they want the answers to their questions, so do not disappoint them.

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