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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Friday 19 October 2012

Be a Sport!!!

The London Olympic Games drew to an end and there were accolades galore for all the medallists who made India proud with their haul of 6 medals at the games.To some it may seem- What is the fuss all about???It was only six medals won by a country of 1.2 billion,so what!
There is much more to the wins than that meets the eye.

These medals were not an easy win to say the least.I agree even the participants from other countries have put in their best efforts to win but there is a huge difference.Sports in India has always been given step-motherly treatment.Right from the school days,young children are weaned into believing that it is marks they score in academics alone that will take them far so they are not to take sports seriously.Even if the child is exceptional and does well at sports,he does not get the support he should to pursue it diligently.Lack of resources from the government or sponsors and the need to earn makes it impossible for him to continue with his dream to excel at the sport he is good at.At times even when this hurdle is crossed there is the red-tapism and political clout which works against him moving up further towards his goal.Compare that with the support the government gives the sports persons in other countries and you will know the difference.

In spite of all the hardships after conquering all obstacles the winners  have done their country proud and hence the medallists'feats are highly commendable.What's more awe-inspiring is that most of these medallists were from the interior villages of India which live in poverty and lack even the basic amenities of life.It is not that we lack the talent as that is in abundance but we need to tap this talent,nurture it and hone it for future success.For that the government,financial companies,corporates etc. should willingly come forward to provide assistance to groom the sports persons.Proper training and resources can make a world of difference.

'Catch them young' should be the motto.For that the parents and teachers have to take initiative and groom the child from a tender age.The schools must make it compulsory for all students to pursue at least two games and master them.Parents should recognise the importance of sports and games for children.They should be allowed to choose the games they want to play and master them.The exceptional ones should get the desired coaching and sponsorship to pursue their game and compete at all levels.The media should give sports and sports persons the desired coverage so that people take interest in it.

If we give sports the importance it deserves,the day will not be far when India too will come back with many medals and be a country to reckon with.Sports is much more than cricket,cricket and more cricket.Even our national sport -Hockey is going through a terrible phase now.At this Olympic they were at their lowest low as they did not win any of the matches it played.What a shame!

Let us hope that sports is given due importance and the government ,policy-makers ,sports academies,corporates,media,schools parents and society at large collectively come together to make the required change.We have the talent we need ,what we need now is the push for sports in the right direction.

So,are we ready to do that???
C'mon ,be a sport and do your bit to propagate sports in your own little way.

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