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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Friday 2 November 2012

Talent Show !!!

PHEW!!!! (Sigh of immense relief )
YAY!!! ( Exhilaration at our success)

These two emotions sum it up.I am referring to the School Parents Day programme that took place in our campus last evening.What an evening it was!

The event was a huge success and there were appreciations galore for all the teachers and students alike from all the parents and grandparents who came to witness it.This was an opportunity for the little ones to showcase their inherent talents before their loved ones.The students ,as expected were too excited for words and just could not keep calm.Yet they showed great discipline and performed their acts to perfection.

The preparations for D-day began a month in advance.It included the audition of pupils for the different roles,selection of singers and dancers and the selection of props and costumes.All the practice had to go along with the academics so care was taken to see that none suffered.the children were thrilled to bits and each one got a chance to perform twice-once in the song and once in the dance or skit.

The Art and Craft teachers extended their support and gave form to our ideas.What would stage presentations be without the right props?To the last day the teachers were on tenterhooks wondering whether all would go smoothly without any hitches.At the grand rehearsal too there were many a flaws and it made us wonder about the final outcome but thankfully Aall Izz Well !

The parents were flabbergasted with the amount of talent in kids and applauded each act.They craned their necks to see their little wonders perform on stage.The performance was at Gopalvan,a much-talked about venue of Smt .Sulochanadevi Singhania School ,which is an open-air stage amidst trees and chirping of birds.The theme that STD 4 presented was Khushiyan or Happiness. Each child had made smileys for their parents and they wore these for the function, so it was smiles all around.Each item portrayed the significance of happiness in our lives in a novel manner.The icing on the cake was the appreciation showered on all the teachers and students by the Principal and senior heads.

The appreciation from parents and the large smiles on their faces made our day.Kudos to the kids on their wonderful performances and a pat on our backs for the success too.I am sure the children will cherish these golden moments for years to come and I am glad to be a part of their fond childhood memories.

It is these moments that make me proud that I chose teaching.There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your efforts bear fruit.

Once again I say it - I am proud to be a teacher!

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