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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

When It All Began.....

It was during my childhood days that I realised that I wanted to be a teacher.This was roughly when I was studying in Standard 4.As do all kids,we played games like teacher-teacher,doctor-doctor and family-family.Yes,these games do sound absurd now but how we enjoyed them in those days!

Teacher-teacher involved all the children of the housing complex coming together on the stairs and using it as the classroom.We had a portable blackboard which was a slate and pencils.And you must have guessed that the teacher in this wonder class was yours truly.I took my designation quite seriously and taught with great dedication.What was taught to me in school by my teachers was repeated for all my 'students'

My students loved being in my class and listened in rapt attention to me.They were younger to me so for them what I taught was a bit of a higher level but it made it more interesting for them.Even now when we meet my friends tell me they still remember those lessons they learnt on white and red blood cells,plasma,global warming,food and hygiene etc.

So,that as how my journey as a teacher began.I am a first generation teacher.My mother wanted to be a teacher when she was younger but her family did not support her as mine did and I cannot say how grateful I am for that.I will always be thankful to my parents for supporting my decision to join the teaching profession.

I am so happy be a part of this profession and I am glad I followed my heart.It gives immense pleasure to do what I love to do.I really hope parents all over the world allow their kids to choose the profession of their choice instead of enforcing their choice on them.A lot of the fustration that comes with the work they do can be reduced if people love what they are doing or do what they love.

It has been 23 years since I first started my journey as a teacher and I am loving it!


  1. Hi Sunita,

    All the best for blog !!! Awaiting for more posts.

    Best Regards


    1. Thanks a ton,Niya.Do keep reading and give your feedback.

      I also have another blog,Random thoughts ,do check that out too.
