Today I came across this status which was put up on Face Book by one of my friends- "There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment." - Norman Vincent Peal
What a wonderful statement! It is true that excitement can make a world of difference in our lives. I witness this enthusiasm in the little kids each day in all the various activities they do throughout their school years, specially so in their formative elementary years. They are excited at all the little things and sometimes adults like us may wonder what is so exciting in this. The children get excited at the smallest of things. For example they are excited to hear that they are getting an extra PE period, they get thrilled to see a smiley and a star in their class test they are exhilarated when they win a match against the next class and they feel on top of the world if they are selected for any competition or presentation.
Even something as minor as a teacher requesting them to erase the blackboard or distribute the notebooks in the class also brings them untold joy. It is this excitement , this joy ,that keeps them going. This very excitement makes the teaching -learning process so much more successful. In fact keeping the thrill, the novelty and the interest alive in the children is one of the first lessons we ,as teacher trainees learn .Get your students interested in what they are doing and your work is half done.
We all were all little once (though that may seem like it was ages ago) and have gone through this phase of total excitement. Where then has this excitement disappeared? Why don't we display the same excitement at our workplace now? Why do we take up all tasks as chores to be done instead of enjoying our work?
Is this the reason why there is so much dissatisfaction all around? Of course, people are earning well but are they really happy with what they are doing? Is this why we are still craving for that something more which is beyond our reach?
Excitement in the little tasks, living in the moment and positive attitude is what we can learn from these little children who forget their minor scuffles, failures and disappointments and move ahead with renewed energy and thrill. I am amazed to see that even at the end of a tiring day at school the little children have a jump in their step and waste no opportunity to run or slide on the tiled floors, while we teachers give a sigh of relief to know that the day has drawn to a close. What we need is to bring in the excitement back to our lives. Live the moment and enjoy the little pleasures that life has to offer. We all know that there are challenges in life but by brooding or getting depressed nothing will be solved. Look ahead positively and a solution will be found.
So the next time you get an opportunity, do play with your kids and join in their excitement as no one can teach us this better than kids. Better still why wait for the opportunity ,find the thrill in whatever you do and pursue a hobby which you have long forgotten. Love your work and see how you will find for yourself the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
Find the magic of enthusiasm and let it bring a sea of change in your life.
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