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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Friday 19 October 2012

Tolerance or Respect???

Every time we hear people saying that we should be tolerant towards other people or religions.We hear this as our nation is very diverse and we have people following different religions,speaking different languages and   people belonging to different castes living together.We say there is 'Unity In Diversity' in our country, but many a times we hear of clashes on the name of caste,language and religion.The politicians make the most of this diversity and fuel the fires of hate in the minds of people for their selfish gains.Unmindful of all this, there are many who succumb to all this and go all out to prove their superiority over another.

Since childhood I have been hearing from well-meaning adults, parents and teachers alike that we should be tolerant towards others.I do not know why we need to be tolerant when we should have respect for another rather than tolerance.The dictionary meaning of these two words made me realize this better.

Tolerance-The ability to accept things one dislikes or disagrees with

Respect-A feeling of admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements / Consideration for the feelings or the rights of others.

Just a glance at the meaning of the two words will tell us why we need to have respect and not tolerance for others.Instead of tolerating others why not find out some good qualities in others and appreciate them?
Why not consider their feelings and understand their point of view rather than disliking and just accepting it to avoid conflict?

As teachers we can instill many a value in the impressionable minds.Are we doing our bit towards that or are we just meeting curriculum deadlines and making them experts at getting the best marks?

As  parents are we instilling feelings of hatred towards any particular community or religion in our children?

Are we even thinking about these things..............?

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