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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Saturday 12 September 2015


Throwback to those days when I was in school, probably in the fourth standard.We played all sorts of games ,unlike the kids of today who are more into staring at the monitors of their PSP's, tabs, smart phones and computers.We played outdoor games like cricket, kabaddi, kho-kho, lagori, hockey and football and when it was raining we gathered on the staircase of the building and played carom, cards, Happy Families or teacher-teacher. I loved being the teacher even then and taught my building friends lessons that I learnt in school.They enjoyed being my students and during these childhood games I made up my mind to pursue teaching, Immediately after my tenth standard boards I joined a teacher training institute and I have never regretted that decision of mine.

I was the first teacher in my family and proud to be one. Even after all these years I have always considered it a blessing to be a teacher though as the years have progressed I have seen a drastic change in the way the teaching  fraternity has been viewed by society. There is a huge difference in the students I taught during my initial years and the students in my class now. Even the role we play as teachers has made a giant leap.Teaching has always inspired,amazed and satisfied me like nothing else has.I have grown as a person and learnt so much from my students. I have realised so many of my drawbacks and tried my best to overcome those short-comings through these years.I can confidently say that I am a much better teacher than what I was during my initial years.
As a teacher we play an important role for the children in our class.We touch lives and have the onus of the all-round development of the child under our care just like their parents.I take my role as a teacher quite seriously and am happy to see how I bring about a positive change in my students.

Sadly,the teachers are not getting their due.The teaching fraternity does the get the respect it should. Teachers shape minds and mould lives.They do much more than just complete the portion and teach what is in the prescribed curriculum, they encourage better living, change behaviour, instil confidence, imbibe values and encourage the children to think.The citizens of tomorrow are being shaped in today's classrooms yet the teachers who do that , those who lay the foundation of the children's lives, are neglected.The small pay packets are just a tip of the ice-berg, the voices of teachers, their grievances are  not being heard. There are many teachers who are passionate about what they do but then there are also the bad eggs in the basket who do a shoddy job and the rest have to bear the brunt.

The rigours the teachers go through each day is understood only by their immediate family members while the others just see it as shorter working hours and many holidays.The satisfaction teaching gives is immense as the love and adoration we get from the students is unfathomable and the knowledge that we have played a part in their growth and progress gives us a sense of achievement and pride. It is high time people appreciate the work of the teachers, specially the ones who lay the foundation of learning in the pre-primary and primary school where they learn the basics of the three R's-Reading ,wRiting and aRithmetic.

Every year during Teachers Day I feel a sense of immense gratitude for all the teachers who touched my life and made me what I am today and I hope I too have touched a few lives of the students I have taught all these years.As a teacher each day is a new challenge and teaches me something.This Teachers Day I asked my class students to draw on the theme My Teacher and I and this is what they came up with.

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