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A learner all my life. I haven't been everywhere,but it is on my list.

Thursday 21 August 2014


All the world's a stage and we are all actors.......

At some time or the other school life has given each one of us n opportunity to show our talent on the stage before an audience.I remember how exciting that moment always has been for me.The feeling of apprehension,the butterflies in the stomach,the jitters and the shaking and quivering before the show and the sense of exhilaration and accomplishment after it.I was a late bloomer and I really got a chance to show my true talent in the later years while I was in college.So I understand how important it is for everyone to have an opportunity to showcase their talent before an audience in order to have more confidence in themselves and to find their true calling.we can never understand where we will shine unless we try.

The Annual programmes in the school and the other competitions are a way to encourage the kids to participate and showcase their innate talents.as parents and teachers it is important to give each one of them a platform to perform,be it music,dance or drama.As a teacher it has been a great pleasure to see the little ones shine on the stage.How wonderful it is to see our efforts as teachers bear fruit when we see them perform on the stage before an audience.The teacher-student bond becomes stronger when we actually observe them minutely to fathom the role each child is to play.The auditions for the song,dance and skits give us an insight into where their strengths lie.Some kids are very sure of what role they want to play....and most often than not it is the main lead they are vying for.It is the responsibility of the teacher to make them realise that no role is small or to be demeaned and each one's role is important to make the skit or dance programme a success.The importance of team work can be taught while working on the annual skit or dance item.They learn to work together and understand that nothing is possible without practice,practice and more practice.When they are appreciated on their efforts they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.T heir confidence soars to new levels and they are on cloud nine when they hear the thunderous applause after their performance.

Yes,there are also those who do not want to be in the limelight and want to be in the shadows.It is up to the teacher to see that each one has an opportunity to come forward on the stage, if only for a few minutes, just to make them lose their fear of facing the audience.Each one has some talent or the other and it is for the teacher to tap that innate potential of the child and bring it out.It goes without saying that favouritism should have no role to play in the selection of students for the performances and only merit in performance should be the criteria for selection.

Putting up a good dance performance or a skit by students is not an easy task but it has rich rewards.I have been fortunate enough to have put up numerous skits,dances and group songs in my tenure as a teacher and each time the feeling of accomplishment has not eluded me.I have won accolades for the performances at ward level and other inter-school competitions.It is challenging to get the best out of children,specially so if they are very young.For the little ones it is a stepping stone to future challenges.
We, as teachers, are not just readying them for their performance on the stage,we are readying them for life..............and that is a huge responsibility so we better do our best.The world is their stage and we are training them to face the challenges they will meet in their performance called LIFE!

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